Lara croft new film
Lara croft new film


  • A man coughs up blood until he dies after ingesting the modified Ebola virus that Reiss had slipped into his drink.
  • This is to ensure that the virus they release will spread as far as possible as quickly as possible. We're never given ideologies or nationalities, but the small group of buyers to whom Reiss intends to sell Pandora is made up of representatives from armed factions that span the entire world.
  • Cosmopolitan Council: Done deliberately.
  • Colon Cancer: As with the first movie's title.
  • She uses the opportunity for Giving Him The Strip.

    lara croft new film

    When her reach isn't long enough, he tears her sleeve to extend it. Reiss dangles Lara over the Acid Pool so she can grab Pandora's Box. Clothing Damage: For once not used for fanservice.Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Some of the characters of the first film aren't mentioned.He initially thinks she's getting kinky but she quickly establishes she intends to leave him there while she continues the mission on her own. Lara seduces Terry to let his guard down and cuffs his arm to the foot of her bed. Terry lets the goons pound on him only long enough for Lara to conclude her business before kicking their asses. Captured on Purpose: Terry's plan for infiltrating the Shay-Ling, since he left somewhat under a cloud having stolen a truckload of ming vases and the sister of a Giant Mook-Chen leaves him with the latter to get reacquainted while he discusses business with Lara.There is a bang and Lara begins to collap-.oh, nope, that's Terry faceplanting while Lara looks on with a tragic expression. Bullet Holes and Revelations: Lara and Terry square off.Brits Love Tea: No, it's only for guests.Bring My Brown Pants: During the Shadow Guardian ambush, one of the soldiers wets their pants in fear before being killed.There's dramatic tension from the distinct possibility he might sell the orb back to Reiss or anyone else if he gets his hands on it. Lara gets him out and he's promised a clean slate and expensive payment if he helps Lara get her orb back. Boxed Crook: Rogue Agent Terry Sheridan is imprisoned in Barla Kala.

    lara croft new film

    He poisons one who snitched on him to Interpol, intoning "this is the sound of a traitor dying" as he gurgles his last, bleeding profusely from his mouth.

  • Blood from the Mouth: The establishing character moment for Jonathan Reiss is him in a private jet with his clients.
  • Winner of the Noble Peace Prize, he actually makes his living selling biological weapons to anyone who wants to buy them.
  • Bad Vibrations: The guests at a Greek wedding turn up the stereo so loud the champagne in the glasses starts vibrating.along with everything else as an earthquake occurs, collapsing a cliff and exposing a buried Greek temple, which sets off the plot.

    Artistic License – Biology: The roaring (and whimpering) shark.Artifact of Death: The Pandora's Box, treated as a container for a superplague.

    lara croft new film

    Unfortunately the Lo brothers follow her, kill the Petrakis and steal the orb. Lara has the Petrakis family hold back because she knows they're diving in the wrong place. Archaeological Arms Race: After an earthquake in Greece exposes Underwater Ruins, rival tomb raiders turn up to dive on the site in the hope of finding the Luna Temple.All of Them: Hillary and Bryce have no idea what the orb is that the Chen brothers stole, so Lara tells them to research every reference to an orb in the history of ancient Greece.Acid Pool: Pandora's Box floats in a bubbling black pool of concentrated acid to deter anyone from stealing it.The novelization goes into some detail about it, stating that the prison is a dumping ground for what are viewed as the most dangerous terrorists in the world: "where the civilized world sent those who would never learn to be civilized." The fact that Sheridan was imprisoned in the same place as literal al-Qaeda members gives us some idea of how his government views him. The Alcatraz: Barla Kala prison in Kazakhstan, where Terry Sheridan is imprisoned.Or so they are told the way the natives laugh as they flee implies it's a practical joke.

    lara croft new film


    Accidental Marriage: At the end of the movie Hillary and Bryce nearly get married in an African ceremony which involves getting their hair braided.Lara is paired with former love interest Terry Sheridan ( Gerard Butler), an ex-Royal Marine who betrayed his country and turned mercenary. Evil scientist Jonathan Reiss ( Ciarán Hinds) seeks to weaponize the contents of Pandora's Box for biological warfare. The 2003 sequel to Lara Croft: Tomb Raider has Lara ( Angelina Jolie) in search of Pandora's Box.

    Lara croft new film